Key Documents

There are many ways in which an individual, group or organisation may be involved in the work of the Inquiry. That may include giving evidence, providing evidence and following hearings. The hearings will be broadcast and transcripts made available on this website.

Where an individual, group or organisation has a significant interest in the Inquiry, the Chair may designate them as a core participant. The process and criteria for core participant designation are set out in protocol below. Examples of how a core participant may take part in the proceedings are also contained in that protocol.

The terms of reference were announced on 21 May 2020. You can download a copy by clicking on the link below.

The Cabinet Secretary for Justice appointed two assessors to the Inquiry. The protocol below explains more about the role of assessors and who may appoint them.

To carry out its investigation effectively, the Inquiry needs to retrieve documents that relate to matters within the scope of its terms of reference.

The protocol for receipt and handling of documents explains how the Inquiry will retrieve those documents and treat the information it receives.

The protocol for the cost of legal representation provides information relating to the scope of legal representation covered by an award of expenses, how to apply for an award, and how applications are assessed. 

You can download a copy of the protocol for the disclosure and redaction of documents at the link below.

A restriction order has been made by the Inquiry Chair in relation to material disclosed to core participants. You can read it and the protocol for applying for a restriction order at the links below.

Witnesses and others with a particular interest in the Inquiry may be able to claim expenses and/or compensation for loss of income when attending hearings. You can download the protocol setting out the rules below. The application form can also be downloaded.

Guidance for questioning of witnesses

The document to be downloaded below contains guidance for the questioning of witnesses and Rule 9 applications.